A Friend for Life


What qualities do you value most in a friend? I think your friendships make or break you. In fact, a recent Harvard study even concluded that people who isolated themselves are three times more likely to have an early death. 

Yes, anyone who has ever thrived in community can attest to the fact that friendships and relationships are a necessary component to a healthy life.

You see, I believe each of us have three types of friends: 

  • Casual friends - you don’t know much about them and they come and go. 

  • Close friends - you have more in common, love to hang out, and there is a meaningful connection. 

  • Core friends - these are the in-it-to-the-end friends; the ones you trust, invest with, drop your guard around, and give total access to your life. 

In I Samuel 23:14-18, David needs an in-it-to-the-end friend. Although our core friendships may be few, all it takes is one to be a difference maker. Jonathan rises up to be this for David and demonstrates five qualities of a true friend for life! 

  1. True friends are faithful, as we read in verse 16 of this story. Jonathan did not back off with David when times got rough. He willingly pressed in, strengthened David, and was faithful to their friendship. Faithful friends are dependable friends you can count on that stick closer than a brother, like Proverbs 18:24 mentions.  

  2. If we continue reading in verse 17, we see that true friends are encouraging. Jonathan tells David not to fear. Encouragers don’t ignore the reality, but they do refocus on what is positive and how to strengthen a friend to overcome adversity. Hebrews 13:13 says encourage one another daily, so none of you will become hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. 

  3. True friends are helpful. Jonathan tells David in this story, “I will not let him find you; I will help, support, and be here for my friend.” The writer of Ecclesiastes 4 says if one falls down, his friend can help him up…a cord of three strands is not easily broken.

  4. Being sacrificial is part of being a true friend. Jonathan knew David was anointed by God to be the next king. But, he valued their friendship more than his own right to be king. He was willing to risk it all for his friend. Core friendships will cost you time, effort, convenience, comfort, status, and sometimes even money. Jesus says greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends in John 15:13. This  friendship would eventually cost Jonathan his throne and his life, but he never gave up on David. 

  5. True friends are direct. In one of several encounters where Jonathan followed through on his promise to be direct and tell David the truth about his father’s threats, he warns David in I Samuel 20:13. A true friend holds you accountable. I refer to this as “friendship friction:” As  iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another, Proverbs 27:17. At times, you need a friend to say the hard and painful truth spoken with love in order to build you up, not tear you down. Proverbs 27:6.

I hope I just described your spouse or your best friend. I hope I just described you. Either way, we all have some work to do, and a goal to strive for in being faithful, encouraging, helpful, sacrificial, and direct true friends. The real value of friendship is not in how many friends you have, but how many of these qualities the friends you keep have.

Give me a friend that will love me until the end, lift me up when I am down, let me in when I am out, labor with me when I am too tired, and let me have it when I am wrong. I only have a few people that know me and love me on that level, but that is enough. One is my amazing wife who is truly my best friend. 

Let me tell you about another: he is someone I met when I was just twelve years old. Forty-two years later, we are more than friends...we are brothers. Through our darkest and brightest moments, through valleys and  mountaintops, we’ve remained friends for life. I think it’s because we’ve strived to model a friendship like Jonathan and David, who exemplified so many times what it means to be a true friend. 

Let’s be honest, this is a hard list for any friend to live up to all the time. And only one ever did. He is the only one who can truly offer you all five qualities and more every second of every day. His name is Jesus...do you know him? He’s the greatest friend you’ll ever know. He laid down his life for you and nothing can separate you from his love. He will always be there for you and all you have to do is reach out and receive. In John 15:15, Jesus says I no longer call you servants, I call you friends. I have chosen you. 

I leave you with this reminder and challenge: if you want a friend for life, then become a friend for life.