How To Lead a Team Unseen Pt. 1
Have you ever been asked to lead a team at work or as a volunteer that requires a high level of creativity? If so, you may have felt on occasion like you were herding cats. You see, unseen creatives can compound that experience, often taking the form of technically-minded introverts, expected to be the first ones in and last ones out without ever taking the platform or standing in the spotlight. But, care must be taken when leading such a team, lest you become a revolving door, losing people as fast as you take them in.
Unseen teams, at their core, are facilitators. Over the years, I’ve picked up on a few lessons that have helped me foster “ride or die” teams filled with people who are better at what they do than I am. I want to share two of these game-changers with you.
Let me tell you Mark’s story.
Mark has been far from God his whole life...but today’s different. He finds himself walking down to the altar, stepping out in faith. The message compelled him to action and for the first time in his life, he feels the tangible presence of God calling him home. On his knees, he gives himself to Christ. The music swells as he closes his eyes and begins to worship his heavenly father. A few verses in, Mark realizes he doesn’t quite remember the words to the next part of the song… not knowing what to do next, Mark opens his eyes.
Thankfully for Mark, Alex has his back. Hidden off stage, Alex is attentively leading the lyrics for the service. As Mark’s eyes focus, he’s immediately greeted with just what he needs to step back into his life-changing moment with his Heavenly Father.
Mark might have lost the moment had it not been for Alex. Because of Alex’s servant heart, she played a pivotal role in facilitating Mark’s life-changing story.
I’ve shared this story more times than I can remember, and I share it every time I bring on a new visuals controller to join our team at Bold City Church. Once they understand their opportunity to facilitate a supernatural encounter, it sets the bar for ministry and helps them understand the great stewardship expected of them. Giving your unseen teams something worth investing in is one of the most powerful tools for attracting potential leaders. And I do mean leaders.
In order to build a strong unseen team, before skillset is considered, we must first set out with the goal of building a team of servant leaders truly bought into your vision. This is true at home, at work, on any team, and for us, at church! This is the very model Jesus imparted:
“...You will lead by a completely different model. The greatest one among you will live as the one who is called to serve others, 27 because the greatest honor and authority is reserved for the one with the heart of a servant. 28 For even the Son of Man did not come expecting to be served by everyone, but to serve everyone, and to give his life in exchange for the salvation of many.”
Matthew 20: 26-28 TPT
The second game-changer in building an unseen team is investing as much in their spiritual development as you do in their skillset. This pays great dividends in the long term and will help you turn a team showing up out of obligation into a ferocious team ready to invest in an opportunity. The heart has to come first.
Constantly fostering your team’s secret place is paramount. Maybe you don’t work on a church staff like I do. But, perhaps God can give you an opportunity to pray for your employees or teammates. Pray for chances to influence your team with the love of God and you won’t regret it.
Once the heart is anchored and the focus is set, the hands will be at the ready. Out of that foundation, your team will naturally begin to explode and instead of herding cats, you will find yourself unleashing a unified creative force for good in the world.