We've all lost our way and needed help at some point or another. Substance abuse is no different and is a serious stronghold in our world today. It's one of the main ways the enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy lives, families, and legacies. Wayfinders is an adaptation of the 12-step program offered now at Bold City Church with the most important part kept at the center....Jesus.
Know someone struggling with addiction who is finally ready to be set free? Wayfinders is a 100% confidential and safe place for them. There is no sign-up...simply show up and allow God to provide the support He offers in community. Reclaim your identity in christ. There is no obligation for participants to be members of Bold City Church or any church.
We begin each meeting with worship and prayer and then we talk about sobriety in a biblical context and then we end with prayer. This provides an opportunity for believers in recovery to pray with one another and build relationships in community with other Christ followers. We believe strongly that community plays a vital role in the recovery process.

Wayfinders is a Christ-centered twelve-step program where people come together to encourage each other and walk in total freedom from substance abuse. This is an anonymous safe space where there is no sign-up, simply show up. If you are battling or have recently struggled with addiction, freedom is possible. Reclaim your identity in Christ.
In addition to Wayfinders we have Wayfinders Families. Having a loved one in the throes of addiction is not without pain and difficulty and you need the support of loving community who understands what you're facing. Wayfinders and Wayfinders Families both meet on Fridays at 6pm!