Heroes Set the Example
“Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do.”
Philippians 3:17 (NIV)
All heroes need another hero that sets a great example for them to follow. When we started this series, I challenged the reader to think of a hero that inspires them. My heroes set great examples in marriage, ministry, and family. I’m still learning from them today by watching closely. The character of these men is high, their passion for Jesus is unwavering, and their family follows their leadership. These men set an example in the most important areas of life.
In the same way, I want my marriage to be one that others learn from that causes them to want something similar. I want my faithfulness to my ministry to inspire and encourage people. But, I have to have pretty high character to be someone worth following. Passion is contagious so I must keep the fire in my soul burning. My main ministry will always be my family! I’ve got to really lead so they’ll follow. I can fake it with other people for a little bit, but I can never fake it with my family. They will see through the pretense quickly.
I encourage you to find your own hero if you don’t already have one. Learn from them in the major areas of life: marriage, faith, and family. Make sure they’ve got great character, plenty of passion, and make sure their family follows them. If you’ve got a hero that you can access, reach out to them and thank them for setting a great example for you. Then try this exercise: think of three questions you could ask them about marriage, faith, and family.
After you’ve done that, ask yourself…what kind of example are you setting? Is it one worth following? If not, what are three things you believe you can change right now? Name them, change them, and go be a hero!