Heroes Think Big Picture
Have them entrust it to the men appointed to supervise the work on the temple. And have these men pay the workers who repair the temple of the Lord—the carpenters, the builders and the masons. Also have them purchase timber and dressed stone to repair the temple. But they need not account for the money entrusted to them, because they are honest in their dealings.” Hil-kiah the high priest said to Shaphan the secretary, “I have found the Book of the Law in the temple of the Lord.” He gave it to Shaphan, who read it. Then Shaphan the secretary went to the king and reported to him: “Your officials have paid out the money that was in the temple of the Lord and have entrusted it to the workers and supervisors at the temple.” Then Shaphan the secretary informed the king, “Hil-kiah the priest has given me a book.” And Shaphan read from it in the presence of the king.
2 Kings 22:5-10
King Josiah begins the work of rebuilding the temple and discovers something that will rebuild the relationship between God and His people. Rebuilding the temple was an expression of Josiah’s heart to start prioritizing God again. Josiah was taking a step toward God. In doing so, he discovered the very thing that would move a whole nation towards God as well. Rebuilding the temple was essential, but changing the hearts of men and women who were far from God was more important.
Think big picture with me for a moment. Like King Josiah, you and I can make decisions that prioritize God every day. When we do, we shouldn’t be surprised when we start having revelations within that decision that profoundly impact us and those around us. Our choices matter! They affect us and those we have influence over. When we think big picture, we tend to make better decisions. Josiah decided to rebuild the house of worship. Because of that, he discovered God really desired to rebuild the hearts of men and women.
I want to be a hero to my wife, my children, and others. The key to doing that is powerfully living for Jesus. If I want them to see me as a good man filled with the Holy Spirit and faith, I have to think big picture. The big picture for me is pointing them to Jesus every day!
Each morning, I have to wake up and make decisions based on that goal, even (and most especially) when I don’t feel like it. I’ve got to lean into Jesus no matter what because it’s Jesus that changes me and Jesus that changes them! I can’t afford to cheat on my wife, look at porn, build idols for myself, or become arrogant and prideful. Too many people need a Jesus-loving hero. My family needs someone to point them to Jesus and I shouldn’t rely on the world around me to do it!
Heroes, I encourage you today wherever you are to prioritize God and watch Him give you a revelation that will change your tomorrow. Think big picture today!