Joy Always
“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4 NLT
Joy can be hard to come by these days. But, the Bible says it is something that not only is constantly available to us, but that we should walk in at all times!
See, in this verse in Philippians, Paul says “always be full of joy in the Lord.” You know, the word “always” is not an occasional word. Always isn’t fleeting. Always isn’t about convenience. Always means at all times. Paul is saying no matter what is going on, no matter our circumstances, have joy. Think about that: we are being commanded to walk in joy always.
As I began to think about this in my own life, a few ways I can live this out came to mind. Maybe they’ll help you, too!
1. We have to recognize that, unlike happiness, joy is not an option. Holding onto joy is a must in order to live the full life that Jesus has promised us. This is a command.
2. If it’s commanded to us, that means it’s possible to do! Otherwise, how could He require it of us? Dwell on this revelation for a minute - you have the ability to walk in joy 24/7. (Paul demonstrated it for us.)
3. I also notice that Paul said “in the Lord.” While walking in joy is always possible because it’s a command, it is not possible if you go looking for it anywhere else but God! The only place that permanent joy resides is with the Lord. If we want to obtain it, we must be walking in step with the Holy Spirit daily.
4. Joy must be sought daily in prayer. Ask for it and hold the Father to His word. My prayer many mornings is “Father you want me to walk in joy always…your word says it, so I desire it and ask for it!”
5. Then, it’s time to experience it: worship! Worship is the number one place I sense joy in the presence of God. The reason for that is because His presence cascades over the soul in times of worship.
6. Make sure to choose joy. No matter how dark the world is, my biblical world view provides me the opportunity to still have joy! My heart breaks for the illness, disease, global crises, wars, and tragedy I see in our world, just as the Father’s heart breaks. However, I rejoice knowing that human suffering is so short in comparison to our time with the Father in eternity.
7. Protect your joy. Choose the secret place first every day, don’t rush it, and don’t miss it. It’s the most important thing you’ll do all day. Don’t let circumstances and situations rob you of it either. We are all guilty of it… life has a way of attempting to crush our joy and the enemy most certainly comes to steal it. Fight for 24/7 joy! Make it a priority!