Puddle Jumping
Several months ago, I was called in to work unexpectedly for a looming hurricane and had to miss Sunday church services at Bold City Church. Luckily, as our Serve Team Coordinator, I was able to swing by to say hello to our teams and help out during our tear down after the 11am service. Just one of the many perks of being a mobile church! During that time, I was talking with Pastor Jason and his young son Liam had wandered off just a short distance away to check out a large rain puddle. Pastor Jason kept saying "Don't do it, Liam,” while Liam looked back at him with a look any of us parents recognize. He was away from his father and the temptation was too great. Liam proceeded to jump right into that puddle and stomp and dance all around in it.
I jokingly said, "Well that is a perfect analogy of our relationship with our Father, isn't it?" We can be led to ignore God's will and do what we want to do, usually bringing us immediate pleasure and satisfaction. That's the human, sinful nature in us, right? But I also sensed there was more to the story as God brought this analogy to mind.
Soon, Liam left his puddle and was off to demolish another one when all of a sudden, he slipped and belly-flopped right into the second puddle. Like any toddler, he began to cry for help. He laid in his puddle sobbing and wet, not knowing just what to do. Pastor Jason walked over and lifted him up to comfort him and let him know that he was going to be okay.
That is a beautiful picture of what our Father does for us as well. God's love and grace is there for us in the middle of our mess, despite our disobedience. How often we find ourselves soaked in our sin and mistakes, and our Father picks us up right where we are and comforts us, showering us with love and grace.
We don't have to remain in our puddles nor do we have to keep returning to them. We simply have to listen and heed our Father's voice when He speaks to us. It is important to note that I couldn’t hear exactly what Pastor Jason was saying to his son in his moment of need. See, God speaks to each of us in the same way. His voice is found in the whisper, not the shout. That’s why we have to stay close to Him and in His Word! I encourage you to get in your secret place, in the Bible and prayer, every morning and seek His voice and His will for your life. When the Holy Spirit leads us, we can dance and flourish in the rain and maybe even avoid a few of the puddles that life throws our way.