Make the Most of Your Time


Friends, find a clock. There always seems to be one nearby these days...take note of the time. Write it down. From this point forward, your life will never be the same. I am not here to sell you something or convince you of anything. I just want to shed light on some simple concepts that have changed the way I perceive life. You see, the fact is, our minds, bodies, and souls are constantly changing and it is up to us to decide the direction they will take.

Have you ever heard the saying “You can't teach an old dog new tricks?” This statement implies that, as we age, we lose the ability to gain new skills. But, scientifically that’s just not true. The way that God designed our brains is amazing! They have an awesome ability to create new behaviors at any age. With enough repetition, these behaviors become automatic. Driving, tying your shoes, and riding a bike are examples of complicated behaviors that have become second nature to us because neural pathways have formed around them. In terms of repetition, it is estimated that it takes 10,000 repetitions to master a skill and develop the associated neural pathway and it takes 3–6 months for a new behavior to become a habit. 

Like our brains, the rest of our bodies are constantly changing also. Look at how you have changed over the years. Your body is the sum of food and exercise choices you have made over time. According to Janice Polansky, MS, MBA, food provides us with more than the sum of its nutrients - protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals.  Food is condensed and transformed energy. So every food choice you make has not only impacted you physically, but mentally as well. Think back to a time when you splurged on some dessert after a large meal. In the moment it was great, but afterward you felt stuffed and miserable. At the other end of the spectrum, think to a time when you made an effort to eat healthier and felt great afterwards. The same goes for exercise - the more effort you put in, the better the results will be. We all know exercise and physical activity are great ways to feel better, boost your health and have fun. 

What does all this good information have to do with your faith? It’s just this: your spirituality is tied to your mental and physical health. Most researchers agree that there is a positive relationship between religious and spiritual practices and better health outcomes. In the same way that our food choices, exercise routines, and behaviors affect our bodies, our spiritual practices affect our bodies as well. Neuroscientist Andrew Newberg, MD, says "The more you focus on something — whether that's math or auto racing or football or God — the more that becomes your reality, the more it becomes written into the neural connections of your brain.” 

Feel like you’ve learned something today? Good! There’s a way we Christ followers can apply this in our every day. 

“Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come.” 
2 Corinthians 5:17 

What does this verse mean for us? When we make the choice to follow Christ, we not only become a new creation, but the choices and mistakes of our past don’t determine who we are today. This doesn’t mean that the cheeseburger you ate for lunch won't affect your body, or that you will be free of that credit card bill from your retail therapy habit, or that everything in your life will be sparkles and rainbows from now on. But, it does mean that your past sins, your old way of thinking, your old beliefs, are made new in Christ. You are now a son or daughter of the Most High King. You are a part of a larger family, one without race, gender, or social divides. And with that family comes the power to be the person God has called you to be.  

So take this time to make some changes for the good of yourself from this moment forward. Here are some 2021 challenges we could all benefit from:

  • Make time for God everyday - go to your secret place and meet with Him.

  • Start exercising - aim for 150 minutes a week!

  • Choose healthier food - eat more of what God made and less processed food. 

  • Expand your mental state - learn at least one thing new every day.  

Just by making small changes daily, over time you will notice a change in your mind, body, and soul. 

Before we can put any of that into practice, there’s one important thing you must do or the rest of your efforts are in vain. If you have not decided to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, find someone to talk to about doing just that. You can email or text “Decision” to 860-850-BOLD to talk to someone at Bold City Church! Make salvation your first change and you’ll never regret it! 

Jonathan Knisleypurpose